Eco Hacker Farm Monthly Meeting

Thursday 8th February 2018 20:30 - 22:30

Abbreviation used in this document: EHF, PMS

Aimee, Franz…

Aimee: - during the last meeting in December we decided to pay the nice price for the server has this been implemented yet? It was 10eur per month when we discussed it.
Franz: - implemented indeed!
Aimee: - please remember to send the receipts when you have them, could you check whether the email address was created already?
Franz: What email address are you talking about? That’s quite random? Aimee?
Aimee: - It is not random… its as referenced from here: Franz :-P
Franz: done, indeed!
Aimee: - thanks
Aimee: - We need to decide how and when to distribute the funds to the projects.
Franz: Earliest when all the wallets are set up - which means after Meltdown and Spectre updates.
Aimee: - I think if there are expenses before that we should consider cashing out
Franz:The risk is too high that the money is for somebody in between not worth anything - somebody steals wallets … I don’t want to be blamed for that. They can have credit from me if that’s necessary
Aimee: -But if you use a platform I don't see the issue with this, anyone can steal the wallets as they are at the moment anyway
Franz: No, At the moment we could send bitcoin, but we have to access with possible infiltrated system … to get bitcoin cash and gold we have to create new wallets what is even more problematic
Aimee: -Ok then please let us know any news on this when you have it as in the meantime funds are needed elsewhere
Aimee: - could you give a short update about where the project is and what is next? The GSOC app feedback is due on the 12th Feb. Funding opportunities are being researched in order to continue the work.
Franz: In my opinion the code should get more QA before continuing but after that we can implement the next prototype, which Somebody (not sure about naming this person is fine with policy) has already designed. Otherwise we wait for feedback and have fun coding and documenting. More data should be pushed into it. All mentioned in Tickets in teh PMS.
Aimee: - Some background about this: humanTransistor (the initial idea) was to have an app that collects information about the atmospheric pressure and compares it user input mainly people’s mood and mental health state and chicken egg production. The aim of this was to show a correlation between the changes in atmospheric pressure with the users mood / health and also chicken production. An information preliminary meeting was held to discuss this as a possible EHF project at Kuckucksmuehle in January. What was the outcome of the preliminary meeting? Jordi doesn’t seem too motivated to keep working on this at the moment, he is still undecided about the app but wants to pursue the forum idea. The forum on its own might not be of interest to Eco Hacker Farm but I am not sure, it could become interesting if combined with an open data app.
Franz: - I think it is too unspecific and not precise enough. Also If there is only us who works on that it will take to much time for us at the moment. I would cancel that idea or freeze till more work load is available. I could imagine to go in a more general direction of collecting data. But I don’t think that would fit under this umbrella at the moment.
Aimee: - Agreed to put on hold until a. Jordi decides to clarify and maybe repitch the idea, b. We have more time to examine which parts would be suitable for EHF

5. Offsetting co2 emissions / #foodisfree project

Offsetting co2 emissions / #foodisfree project - project on hold / low priority More detailed information about the projects should be added onto the Research page & start a new Projects page.

Aimee: The framework of how it works should be detailed in EHF but there should also be wiki pages on how it is applied at local level (Kuckucksmuehle)
Aimee: - Should we take this off hold? There seems to be a lot of media coverage on the topic and it would be useful to start collecting money for the fruit forest community garden. It need a little more research at the moment re which calculator to use and how we direct people to it.
Franz:I think we could define it shortly what we mean with that or compare what other projects mean with that and then we offer it. It shouldn’t take more than 1-2 hours and we could have more income. But I don’t believe we get a lot of money fast with it. So we shouldn’t waste too much resources with that idea at the moment. What do you mean with direct people to it?
Aimee: - The framework of this project works like so: people express the wish to come here, we ask them to calculate and offset their co2 cost by making a donation for trees to be planted in the community garden. At the moment there is no calculator that does this that is linked on our site so there is nowhere to direct them to. This is of course optional for people who can afford it and we should encourage the people who can donate to add 1 or 2 euro more for those that can’t make a donation. We need an embedded calculator maybe…or a good reliable one that we can link to.
Franz: I think it should be especially comparable with other calculators/results. If our CO2 emission neutr. -project is more expensive, I don’t know if people want to do that. But I think we could advertise also with “organic”/permaculture farm, free food, … multipurpose donation + emission reduction. But yes we can do that. Shouldn’t occupy more than some hours < than a day.
Aimee: - we could schedule a day for this then please?
Franz: tomorrow? 9th?
Aimee: -sounds good
Franz: agreed

6. 3rd party projects

* Anything to add to Outreach ??

7. Questions / suggestions / ideas from attendees

* Anything new on the bank of ideas page ?? more info needs to be added for ideas for locations (process)

Aimee: - I will update the page because I seem not to have done that last time

8. Anything to add to the Glossary ??

Aimee: -Nothing to add

Action Items should be added under each point

Is there an agenda item you would like us to discuss at the next meeting? Add it on the agenda for that particular meeting or send an email to - if you have a suggestion or idea please add it on the wiki here

  • team_meetings/8th_february_2018.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/02/08 23:00
  • by aimeejulia