Eco Hacker Farm Monthly Meeting
- Check-in
- Items from the last meeting
- promotion of coliving projects / hackbases with other projects that don't offer residential possibilities for retreats etc. - what capacity do we have for working on this at the moment?
- Aimee would work on this marketing material that can be used when the restriction is over, also interesting to collect now a contact list of potential partners or other projects that would be interested in this. I don't know when I will have time for this. Any updates on capacity since last month?
- Status of ongoing projects
- YCSC - cancelled… unsure whether it will be back on if and when travelling will be allowed again
- Outreach - new contacts
- - profile set up
- Roots n Permaculture - skillsharing / presentation opportunities - who wants to and has time for this?
- Blue print project - Franz - item picked up from last meeting
- TODO's from previous meetings
- change to new logo on all the sites we have - Franz
- set up new verein for EHF - Aimee
- set up a mailing list for good remote jobs - Franz - done
- Items arising?
- Checkout