
Veintidós Upcoming Costs

  • Eur 200.00 - (part of) January 2017 to end of April 2017 (estimate) / electricity
  • Eur 104.00 - January 2017 to end of April 2017 (estimate) / water

Total upcoming & outstanding costs: Eur 304

  • Eur 900.00 - March 2017 to end of April 2017 / rent - this is already covered by the project manager through 3rd party arrangement
  • Eur 32.63 - One way flight to Berlin - paid for from personal travel budget
  • Eur 13.20 - train trip Berlin Schoenefeld to Liebenthal/Wittstock (known fixed price) - paid for from personal travel budget
  • Eur 36.00 - extra 20kg luggage allowance (known fixed price) - covered by donations
  • Eur 250.00 - April 2017 (known fixed price) / car rental - paid for from personal travel budget
  • Eur 160.00 - March & pril 2017 / fuel - paid for from personal travel budget
  • Eur 124.82 - July 2016 to end of December 2016 / water - covered by donations & sold laptop
  • Eur 160.00 - March 2017 to end of April 2017 (known fixed price) / wifi - Eur 40.83 remaining from sold laptop & Eur 119.37 from donations received
  • Eur 120.00 - 8x weeks of food costs Eur 73.20 from donations received - rest from personal budget
  • Eur 44.70 - 3x gas bottles (known fixed price) - funded from donations received
  • Eur 27.58 - (part of) January 2017 / electricity - monies donated to the project through previous events
  • Eur 75.65 - went towards water bill of Eur 124.82
  • Eur 119.37 - went towards wifi bill of Eur 160.00
  • Eur 60.00 - went towards food bill 4x weeks
  • Eur 36.00 - went towards transport costs / luggage to carry equipment
  • Eur 58.00 - went towards gas bottles + food

Total costs already covered: Eur 1,841.35

Grand total of all costs: Eur 2,145.35

Would you like to support the move? - you can make a donation

  • veintidos/moving_costs.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/01/08 07:53
  • by