
Eco Hacker Farm Monthly Meeting

Date 10th January 2019 20:30 - 21:15

Abbreviation used in this document: EHF, PMS

Aimee, Franz…


  • Review of impact in 2018
    • Mvp released for powerplant
    • Wiki translations coordination ongoing
    • A lot of the focus was on Kuckucksmuehle
    • 35C3 assembly
      • refreshing of and creating new connections: Kanthaus, Astralship → bi monthly meetings : housingprojects
      • Hackathon for powerplant
      • Presentations @ metanook, emergent berlin, 35C3
    • Update on projects
      • Powerplant
        • GSOC application work in progress
        • Work on new release ongoing
      • Offsetting CO2 emissions
        • No work on this - on hold
      • Wiki translations
        • More work needed but tasks already organised

Wish list for 2019

  • Find projects that use ecohackerfarm as network/umbrella
    • creating value for projects to use ecohackerfarm?
      • Outlining how much or how little a community would have to do to adopt the label
      • Explain clearly how to set up an ecohackerfarm
        • Draw a blueprint
      • Explain clearly why we are doing this
        • We want more ecohackerfarms or similar projects around the world to thrive
      • Make a nice graphic to explain how projects are connected
      • Outlining the advantages of a network
        • Shared expertise
        • Software - pms
        • Joined resources for paid jobs - when we set up a coop
        • A share of the donations
        • Support/advice from people who have done it before

Action point: Answer on the wiki - Why does Eco Hacker Farm exist and what are it’s main purposes - done

Action point: Explain clearly on the wiki: How to set up an Eco Hacker Farm project (online and onsite separate), this should be a blueprint ie step by step general instructions on how to go about it. Perhaps a process map here would be appropriate. - done

Action point: Outline clearly the advantages of being in the Eco Hacker Farm network - done

Action point: Make a nice graphic to show people how the projects are connected - Done 22/01/2019

Action point: Improve the outreach page on the wiki: a) set housing projects in a separate section b) include a new column to explain what each of the other links are eg. Boodaville - ecocommunity - Done 11/01/2019

Go over outstanding Action Points from the last membership/data management meeting:

Action point: add under legal age blurb in the wiki page - Aimee done

Action point: Create Form to put data in and encrypts with public key from EHF and sends it to EHF Server -#1651 & #1652

Action point: Setup the form so that people can start using it

Action point: Update the wiki with the link to the form

Action point: Write a wiki page on the membership page about how we store people’s data.

Action points: transpose agreed points to the wiki

Monday’s 5pm - 7pm

Questions / suggestions / ideas from attendees

Action Items should be added under each point

Send your addition / comment / suggestion / feedback in an email to

  • team_meetings/10th_january_2019.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/02/14 20:18
  • by aimeejulia