Weekend deceleration - Wochenendschleunigung: Framework
Events can be hard work for people who live permanently on the property, we hope that everyone who comes to these events has a good time with us and so to make life easier for everyone here is a flexible framework in order to make the most of your time whilst helping out.
What is the purpose of Wochendschleunigung?
We want people to come and be an active part of the community socialise and have fun and also help towards community goal/s - each event will have it's own community goal/s and this will be on the wiki for the event in advance of the event.
What else is needed?
Like every event in the Kuckucksmuehle the meeting will not be possible without the help of many volunteers. YOU can be one of them and really be a part of the event!
Volunteering is actually a lot of fun!
As a volunteer, you will be doing important stuff, meet many interesting people and generally have a great time.
How do I become a Volunteer?
Read this page carefully.
If you never volunteered at the Kuckucksmuehle before, please get an introduction by asking any one of the permies.
In order to sign up for tasks, you need to register an account on the PMS
What would be my job?
Help out in the daily tasks of the House like cooking, heating and dog maintenance. For the special tasks that are related to the event like welcome and room distribution help is also appreciated, picking up people from the train station, showing people where to get sheets and where to leave them when they are leaving etc.
What kind of volunteers are needed?
We need all kind of volunteer help, no special skills are required.
Questions and answers
What is the programm?
This is communicated during dinner usually at the beginning of the weekend or sometimes earlier on the page of the event on the wiki depending on how flexible the program is.
What is the Ticket System?
The ticket system contains the one-off and recurring tasks. Read more about the Project Management System.
How long do I have to work?
This question isn't easy to answer because it depends on the chosen job or the community goal and the availability of other volunteers.
Working hours also vary with individual motivation. As a rule of thumb, five hours a day may be considered normal.
More Questions?
If you have any question that is not answered here, please add it in the list here (you will need to register on the wiki if you don't have an account yet and contact one of the project managers for access).
You can also get in contact with us directly: kuckuckmuehle@ecohackerfarm.org