
Weekend deceleration - Wochenendschleunigung 2019

#Permaculture #gardening #conservation #upcycle #recycle #reuse #permacultureinpractice

Anyone who is interested in gardening or sustainable ecological living and wants to come with an open mind and urge to help, discuss, work, chill and socialize is invited to attend.

We use croodle to find out how many people can attend the meetings. The croodle links expire in time so for past events the links won't work.


Date Goal Related event/s Other remarks
11 to 13 January Garden planning Dorm not heated as maintenance ongoing - heated rooms very limited
8 to 9 February
8 to 10 March
12 to 14 April
10 to 12 May
14 to 16 June
12 to 14 July
9 to 11 August
13 to 15 September
11 to 13 October
8 to 10 November
13 to 15 December

We are not financed by the government or any other associations… Donations are welcome and encouraged.

For every event we set a goal or main topic, this helps us accomplish tasks that require a larger number of people or a lot of hours such as finishing the garden fence for example.

The goal or topic will be added near the date of the event.

Please get in contact with us beforehand so we can easily plan when we need to pick up people from the train station, a room or additional food/drinks/stuff. You are also encouraged to bring

In the warmer months, if you have a sleeping bag and a camping mat, we can easily find you a place to sleep. Bring a torchlight. In winter please bear with us as we have limited sleeping spaces.

Here you will find specific instructions on how to get here.

If you want to come please email us.

Read more about the framework here.

Check out our need and want list we might need something you don't want.

If you cannot make it to this event but would like to keep informed about future events you can subscribe to our mailing list or visit us on any of these social media websites.

  • kuckucksmuehle/events/weekend_deceleration_2019.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/01/07 18:21
  • by aimeejulia