List of books we have onsite:
- Anzücht hochwertiger Obstbäume und Beerensträucher - Walter Poenicke
- ABC des Obstbaumschnitts - BFG
- Bauen und Bewahren auf dem Land - Dierer Wieland
- Biodynaminc Gardening - Dk
- Creating a Forest Garden - Working with nature to grow edible crops - Martin Crawford
- Der Desertec - Atlas - Weltatlas zu den erneuerbaren Energien - Europäische Verlagsanstalt
- Der Garten im Laufe der vier Jahreszeiten - Manfred Pawlak
- Earth Repair - Leila Darwish
- Earth user's guide to teaching Permaculture - Rosemary Morrow
- Einfälle statt Abfälle - Ofenbau - Heft 6 der Reihe.
- Gesundheit aus der Apotheke Gottes - Maria Treben
- Heilpflanzen Laschenbuch - Adolf Dertel - Eduard Bauer
- Heizen mit Holz in allen Ofenarten - Hans - Peter Ebert
- How to grow Perennial Vegetables - Martin Crawford
- Humusaufbau Chance für Landwirtschaft und Klima - Gerald Dust
- Innovative Tradition - Lasa Brandenburg
- Knaurs Heilpflanzen Buch - Hugo Hertwig
- Kompost - Toiletten - Claudia Loreny - Ladener Hrsg.
- Land-, Forst-, Nahrungsgüterwirtschaft und Gartenbau - Kleine Enzyklopäadie
- Modern day macrobiotics - Simon g. Brown , Dragana G. Brown
- Naturnahe Abwasserreinigung Planung und Bau von Pflanzenkläranlagen - Klaus Bahlo, Gerd Wach
- Naturnahme Waldwirtschaft - Deukalion
- Natürlich Gäartnern mit Terra Petra - Oekom
- Ökologischer Landbau - Grundlagen und Praxis
- Permaculture design - A step by step guide - Aranya
- Permakultur Magazin
- Restoration Agriculture - Real World Permaculture for Farmers - Mark Shepard
- Square Foot gardening - Mel Barthlomew
- Terra Petra - Ute Scheub
- Trinke und genese durch Pflanzen-Rohsäfte - Dr. Hans Hansen
- Umbrüche auf märkischem Sand - Oekom
- Wiesenblumen - Tosa
List of books we have in digital format: Take a look in the File Server.
- AU Tarca Info Kit Tagesseminar
- A pattern language - Alexander - Tshikawa - Silverstein - Jacobson - fiksdahl - King - Angel
- A Resource Book for permaculture for sustainable lifestyle - Permatil
- Critical Thinking
- Climate change or system change -A Local Futures Action Paper
- Community Participation in the Decision - Making Process for Sustainable Tourism Development in Rural Areas of Hong Kong, China - Bonnie K. L. Mak -Lewis T.O. Cheung and Dennis L. H. Hui
- Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigation Climate Tragedy
- Eco social Design - Andrew Longford
- Exponential Climate Action Roadmap - Global Climate Action Summit
- Gaia's Garden - A guide to Home-Scale Permaculture - Toby Hemenway
- Humanure Handbook
- Hart's Mill Ecovillage - Analysis and Proposal - Leah Gibbons, Hamish, Joe Cole, Thumbs
- Humanure Compost Toilet System Condensed Instruction Manual - Joseph C. Jenkins
- Inklusiver Entscheidungsfindung - An inclusive Decision Process Proposal
- Ithaka Journal für Terroirwein, Biodiversität und Klimafarming
- Localization: essential steps to an economics of happiness - Helena Norberg - Hodge
- Making thinking Visible - Ron Ritchhart - Mark Church - Karin Morrison
- Organic Farming in Germany publications
- Peer to Peer - The Commons Manifesto - Michel Bauwens, Vasilis Kostakis, Alex Pazatis
- Permaculture two - Practical Design for Town and Country in Permanent Agriculture. Bill Mollison
- Permaculture for agroecology: design, movement, practice and worldview - Rafter Sass Ferguson - Sarah Taylor Lovell
- Permaculture solutions for energy descent - David Holmgren
- Permaculture, a Beginners Guide - Bill Mollison
- 10 Lessons the Arts Teach - Elliot Eisner
- The Essential Guide to Doing Transition - Getting Transition started in zour street, community, town or organization - transition Network team
- The Practice of NonViolent Communication - Marshall Rosenberg's
- The Permaville Handbook: Strategies for permaculture design - Permaville
- The Principles of Permaculture - Bill Mollison and David Holmgren.