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Kuckucksmühle: Financial & Occupancy Records

Here we provide information as to how we manage this project from a financial perspective. Information is added on a monthly basis and includes a variety of aspects.


Data last updated: 06/07/2019

Source Amount in Euro
Donations 887.08
Donations for drinks 1,549.40
Total 2,436.48

We have been given a bag of women's clothes, a wardrobe, dresser, plants, seeds, bed sheets…

We have an arrangement with the property owners to cover the rent, heating, internet (WIFI) and telephone costs in return for property management services as there are no financial transactions for Kuckucksmühle in this regard this is omitted from the figures here quoted. Satellite internet is paid for by the project and the costs are included in the accounts.

The heating oven broke and needs replacing and we are collecting donations to help with this €10k expense.

Carried forward from last year

Outstanding liabilities Amount in Euro
2016 -3,676.84
2017 -3,885.60
2018 -4,728.45
Total -12,290.89

Loans for 2019

Source Amount in Euro
Loans from members 4,906.74
Loan repayments -1,616.73
Total outstanding loan repayments 3,745.01
Type of cost Amount in Euro
Food bill 2,636.09
Fuel 418.82
Maintenance 492.87
Enhancement 96.42
Internet(SAT) 358.80
Seeds 60.38
Drinks costs 1,051.76
Loan repayments to members 1,161.73
Total 6,276.87
Amount in Euro
Total incoming 3,266.48
Total outgoing -7,426.06
Year to date balance -4,159.58

Occupancy Levels per month in 2019

Month Visitor days Permanent Members days
January 49 96
February 90 92
March 94 79
April 114 89
May 70 77
June 134 78
July 184 91
Running totals 735 602
Grand total 1337
Average occupancy per day 6.3

Archive Financial Summaries from previous years

  • kuckucksmuehle/finance.1564487282.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/07/30 13:48
  • by aimeejulia