IT-Meeting 2016-10-01
After the success of the first IT-Meeting we decided to try these monthly. This time we have even a long weekend and we could decide to do more around it e. g. the whole weekend as an IT-Event and/or fire in the bakery or fire at the fire place. (Add suggestion in this article or write a mail @
Everyone is invited who is interested in IT and comes with an open mind and urge to discuss, hack and chill.
Travel, Arrive and Stay
Please get in contact with us beforehand so we can easily plan when people need to get from the train station, a room or additional food/drinks/stuff.
When you have a sleeping bag and a camping mat, we easily find you a place to sleep also. Be aware that friday is blue moon. That means it will be dark by night. Bring a torchlight.
If you want to come, add representative characters in the Croodle.
Here you will find specific instructions how to get here.
We don't have enough Laptops/Computers for everybody: Bring your own Device!
We always need hardware for the projects. You are invited to bring what ever you think can be useful. E.g Cat Cables, Mini USB Cables, SD-Cards, raspberries, arduinos, flying cameras, motors, sensors etc. .
Plan so far
Friday: Making food in the bakery and enjoy the start in the weekend with talking and fire
Saturday: Discussing, Hacking and Having fun
Sunday: Discussing, Hacking and Having fun
Anything else
This article may be updated with more information till and after the event.
You want to come? Go to the Croodle
We had a great time at the meeting:
- LAN planning
- WLAN planning
- WLAN testing
- Arduino Sensors and Switches / relais in heating room
- CAM planning
- Fileserver Raspbery
- 12V Infrastructure
- Farmos / Companion Planner
- input from outsider perspective
Items worked on
Raspberry -> File
- Raspian on SDcard then install basic tools
- Put in Box with usb-sata converter and 2T disk
- Setup Samba for users “core”, “members” as well as public (rw for all) and media (ro for all)
- Partition disk, setup crypto for partitions and add startup scripts for when file was shutdown fstab. After preparing the disk with the correct crypto options and filesystems the pi can now transfer files with more than 10MB/s. We synced about 1Tb of data to the disk so some media and documentation is available without internet access.
There is also now an experimental Freeradius server running witch serves the wifi “echo-radius” as authentication backend. The goal is that you can login in with any username/password you like. At the moment that is just true for the username the password has to be “test”
Raspberry -> Rhizosphere
Unprivileged jump account with a separated sshd service called “sshd-extern.service” with the onion address ecohackyturm246r.onion only the jump account can login. We also polished and tweek some settings. Jabberserver / jabber.lan When we tried to setup the selected onion address and setup our clients we were finaly inspired by
Raspberry -> Jabber
The jabberserver was first living in the Rhizosphere but we migrated it to File. There it lives now happy with hashed passwords, free to register and accessible through a network of onions under the address ecohackstylopgqm.onion and with the name jabber.lan
→ Hank (der war ein dock[ae]rbeiter/dockerbyter)
- Debian 8 minimal installed
- tested that lxc and therefor docker is working out of the box (it is)
- furture purpose is to be or not to be a docker host.
- There was also a nice retro case build for it.
Wifi Brigde -> Wolkenberg
Basic setup of 2 UBNT NANOSTATION M5 witch now can be used to perfrom range test's
Arduino -> Relays
Items missing during the event
Display for IRC/Conference Flex for opening stuff, More screws (eg torx with hole inside) SATA-USB APT-cache SATA-Mini-SATA (Hank) Hot Glue Pistol Steckerleiste LAN Kabel
Was a successful and even bigger IT-Meeting. The next is coming.