Eco Hacker Farm @35c3
Here we document the ideas and preparation for 35c3.
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- 35c3 Tech: Smart LED Sign board - basic function done
- interactive with auto chicken coop door to do
- live twitter feed / notification to do
- allow visitor to assembly interaction - like button for example - to do
- popcorn machine
- powerplant demo
- LED strips for sufficient lighting at the tables
- hang on pvc pipe idea - could take pavillion frame only for hanging lights on? - could also be used for hanging other stuff
- automated chicken coop door demo setup
Assembly - Seed Exchange Station
- seed exchange station set up
- TO DO: signs - Seed Exchange Station
- TO DO: print out on how it works:
- You can bring all your seeds to the seed exchange!
All seeds are welcome: open-source seeds, rare species, your own special variety, but also your leftovers from supermarket seeds are fine! If possible, please bring small batches (10-20 seeds per bag) and lable them with: - Cultivar / variety - Origin - Year - Any hints on:
- when and how to sow
- best environment to grow
- harvest
…will help! Please keep in mind that exchange partners with less experience will depend on your hints
There will be some small bags and pens available at the assembly, so if needed you can do the labelling right there.
Assembly - powerplant Hackathon
- Have to do small tickets for people to solve - in progress
- Could do that with moving issues to github - done