
This is an old revision of the document!

Eco Hacker Farm

Sustainable living using appropriate technology and permaculture principles.

We would like to start up a hackerspace combined with a permaculture farm to provide a sustainable living space for people to come and experience a way of life that is not necessarily dependent on the system but using appropriate, open and low cost technological solutions.

By setting up a community project, people will be able to bring their own ideas to the rest of the community and work together with others in order to implement them.

Some current ideas include providing a safe space for:

Some possible projects would be:

  • rain catchment programmes & water filtration/recycling systems
  • set up renewable and self sustainable energy systems
  • effective use of land whilst preserving and rehabilitating nature
  • reuse and recycling (variety of uses depending on farm/community needs)
  • create low cost solutions for eco farming & accommodation needs
  • collaboration with other similar projects/communities for events/workshops

You can participate in the project by sharing your ideas and opinions, let us know what skills you would like to share or learn from others, possible events or workshops you’d like to organise or attend etc.

We are also working on a Project Management System which enables anyone to become a team member, learn about how the project is organised, what tasks are outstanding, log new tasks or add time spent working on the project and much more.

Contact us by email: life@ecohackerfarm.org

We are also working on two satellite projects:

  • en/start.1472569175.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/08/30 16:59
  • by ecohack