powerplant GSOC 2018 - Agreements
A full copy of the Goggle Summer of Code rules can be found here
Below is a summary and additional information added by Eco Hacker Farm for ease of reference.
Organization Administrator & Mentor participation Agreement
Organization Administrator responsibilities
- act as the main points of contact between Google and the Organization and will respond to any inquiries from Google within thirty-six (36) hours;
- oversee the overall progress of the Organization and its Students throughout the Program;
- perform administrative tasks regarding the Program for the Organization, including publishing the Organization’s Ideas List and designating one or more Mentors for each accepted Student through the Program Website;
- oversee and manage Mentors to ensure that they meet their responsibilities; and
- at the end of the Program, write and publish a blog post about the Organization’s participation in the Program; complete the necessary forms required to receive (or decline) the applicable stipends by the posted deadlines as set forth by Google Program Administrators; and
- review the “Roles and Responsibilities” document published on the Program Site and be sure they, and each of their Mentors, are meeting the responsibilities outlined therein.
Additional duties from Eco Hacker Farm:
- Organization administrators will keep the mentors and the students up to date with the latest news and upcoming deadlines throughout the program.
Mentor responsibilities
- participate in the Community Bonding Period;
- provide guidance to his or her Student(s) on their Projects for the Organization;
- use best efforts to respond to Student requests within thirty-six (36) hours;
- provide Evaluations of his or her Student(s)’ work in accordance with the Organization Project Criteria.
- review the “Roles and Responsibilities” document published on the Program Site and be sure they are meeting the responsibilities outlined therein.
Additional duties from Eco Hacker Farm:
- Mentors will attend the weekly meetings
- Communicate any concerns to the Organization Administrator immediately for discussion
- Will organize and attend regular one-to-one meetings with the students
Student Agreement
Project Proposals
- Students may submit Project Proposals to Organizations through the Program Website during the application period described in the Program Timeline.
- Each Student may submit up to five (5) Project Proposals; however, only one (1) Project Proposal may be accepted per Student.
- Project Proposals may, but are not required to, be for Projects on an Organization’s Ideas List.
- If a Project Proposal is for a Project that the Student is already working on, the Student must note this in the Project Proposal. Any work done on the Project prior to acceptance of the Project Proposal will not be considered for Evaluations.
Student Responsibilities
Each accepted Student will perform all necessary additional steps required for the Student to participate in the Program, including:
- participating in the Community Bonding Period;
- providing Evaluations of his or her Mentor as described in Section 7.1 below;
- working diligently to complete the Project as it may be modified with the agreement of the Organization;
- participating in the Organization’s community and adhering to the Organization's rules and codes of conduct; and
- publishing his or her Project code in a publicly accessible location and under an Open Source Initiative approved license of the Organization’s choice.
- The Student is only required to submit an overall Evaluation of the Mentors.
- Students and Mentors must submit Evaluations through the Program Website by the deadlines set forth in the Program Timeline. Evaluations are given at three (3) points: after Phase 1, after Phase 2, and at the end of the Final Phase.
Grading; Missing Deadlines
- The Mentor will evaluate the Student’s Project Submissions based on the work from the beginning of the work period until the start of the evaluation period. Any work done during the evaluation period itself will be considered for the next evaluation period.
- The Mentor will evaluate the Student’s Project Submissions against the Organization Project Criteria.
- If a Student fails to submit an Evaluation by the applicable deadline, the Student will be deemed to have received a failing grade on the Evaluation, regardless of the actual grade the Student received from the Mentor.
- If a Student receives a failing grade on the Phase 1 or Phase 2 Evaluation, the Student will be removed from the Program.
- If a Student does not agree with the grade he or she received, the Student may request a review by Program Administrators to reconsider the grade. The request must be sent to gsoc-support@google.com no more than 7 calendar days after the Evaluation deadline. In the event that the Program Administrators agree to perform the review, their decision on the grade is final and binding.
- If an Organization Administrator does not agree with the grade given by the Mentor to a Student, the Organization Administrator may submit an updated Evaluation, which will supersede the original Evaluation. This updated Evaluation must be complete before the original Evaluation deadline.
- If a Mentor fails to submit an Evaluation by the applicable deadline, the Mentor will not be permitted to attend the Mentor Summit and the Organization’s eligible stipend amount for the Mentor Summit will be reduced by half.
- If the Mentors for an Organization fail to submit Evaluations by the applicable deadlines two (2) or more times collectively (i.e., at the Phase 1 deadline, the Phase 2 deadline, or the Final deadline), the Organization will not be permitted to send any Members to the Mentor Summit and will not be eligible to receive any stipend for the Mentor Summit.
Final Project Materials
- Students must submit their Final Project Materials through the Program Website by the final Evaluation deadline.
- If a Student fails to do so, the Student will be deemed to have received a failing grade on the final Evaluation, regardless of the actual grade the Student received from the Mentor.