Table of Contents

Finca Verde

Finca Verde is a part of the Eco Hacker Farm network, it does not receive any funding from the Eco Hack Farm Donations, it does receive infrastructure support such as this wiki and email accounts.


We want to

Here's a summarized history.

The Seven Domains of Permaculture Action in Practice

Land and Nature Stewardship

The Finca is around 7km from Lanjaron

The land consists of several plots of land including:

Name of Plot Cultivating Size Irrigation Status
South Side Olives, some fruit trees 1 ha irrigated with watering pipes
East Side Olives, some fruit trees 1.6 ha irrigated with watering pipes
Orange grove Oranges 2 acres irrigated by overflow/watering pipes
Almond hill Almonds 0.7 ha not irrigated
The Wilderness top none 1 acre not irrigated
The Wilderness valley Olives 1 acre irrigated by overflow

Food Production Plan


In the pipeline:

Tools and Technology


Electricity is connected (220V, 3kW) » needs to be upgraded to 5kW

Irrigation water through the local irrigation system (acequia) is available on a schedule.

Potable water is available free from the town - but has to be brought in canisters from Lanjaron at the moment. We are monitoring potable water use.

Education and Culture


At the moment we can only offer a space to park or a camping spot.

Visits are welcome but please only by appointment. Farm guided tours are also possible.

Book your visit here


Please read here for more information.

Laboratorio hoja de olivo - análisis del suelo y del agua

We are in the process of setting up a soil and water analysis lab. More info on this soon.


There's a lot of research to be done in order to make this a financially sustainable and regenerative project. We collect these topics here.


Blogs & Poscasts

You can read our blog here.

Podcast episodes:


Visit our events page for a list of all past and upcoming events.


Health and Spiritual Well-being

We are not especially spiritual, our ethos is to live peacefully in nature and with our neighbours, building a community of mutual care. We love the quiet stillness of the countryside and would like to keep it this way.

Self Care

Please review our self-care page if you intend to visit the farm.

Finance and Economics

At the moment work on the land is privately financed but we hope to turn the farm into a self-sustaining project.

Farm Accounting records

Applications for Funding



Wish List

A list of things we need/want to have.


Farm suppliers

Land Tenure and Community Governance

The farm is privately owned but we are thinking about ways in which to preserve the land for stewardship.

Land Stewards Programme

We are an aspiring GEN Eco-Village.


The resident team meet monthly to discuss the following:

Volunteers are welcome to attend if they wish.

We make decisions using a consent-based method called the inclusive decision-making process, which uses sociocratic principles.

Work management

We use Gitlab for tracking and assigning work, the permanent residents will be using this system, the volunteers will not be required to use it. Instead, the farm manager will work hand in hand with the volunteers to explain the tasks that need completing.

Contact us

You can get in touch with us through our website: Finca Verde Regen

Where else to find us