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One year internship post: assistant project manager

Status: closed for applications

Kuckucksmuehle is a small but growing community of 4 to 5 people which we call “permies” hosting up to 5 volunteers at a time in the summer and 3 in the winter. Together we work to combine permaculture and hackerculture (aka appropriate technology) for sustainable living. This year we would like to open a 1 year spot for a volunteer to help with the income generation part of the project.

We live in a very beautiful 16th century old water mill surrounded by land, our main focus is to become more self sustainable both in terms of food production and also from an income perspective since the property requires extensive renovation. Our long term objective is to increase our capacity to accommodate more long term community members on site.

about the position:

You will be working 30 hours a week, to support and work closely with Aimee, the project manager on site with tasks specific to income generation, theses include but are not limited to:

about you:


personality, values & experience

note about couples

If you are a couple then it would also be possible to make some arrangement especially if one of you is a carpenter, handy person or is a very keen housekeeper.

what we offer:

important things that you should tell us about:

Your experience with:

things you should be aware of:

who is Aimee?

Aimee is a co founder and project manager of Eco Hacker Farm, project manager of Kuckucksmuehle, co-founder of RioLaden eV (a community managed organic and regional food shop), she runs workshops centered around permaculture topics. She is also a compost toilet designer, permacutlure designer and permaculture design certificate holder. She can be found at tech conferences and alternative festivals delivering workshops and presentations or at Kuckucksmuehle gardening, organising or relaxing in a hammock. She also runs a yearly coding camp for young people. She is passionate and dedicated to spread permaculture and sustainable living ideals into the world.

Apply today!

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