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start [2020/01/10 22:52] – [Why should I or my project join forces with Eco Hacker Farm?] aimeejuliastart [2023/04/12 11:27] (current) – [Collaboration projects] aimeejulia
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 If you're interested you can read a little about our [[history]]. If you're interested you can read a little about our [[history]].
-====== Which projects fall under Eco Hacker Farm======+====== Projects aligned and connected with Eco Hacker Farm ====== 
-{{ :ecohackerfarm:organisation_chart_2_.jpg?nolink&900 |}} 
-Projects marked in the lightest shade are no longer running. 
 ===== Onsite projects ===== ===== Onsite projects =====
   * [[kuckucksmuehle:start|Kuckucksmühle]] in the North East Germany   * [[kuckucksmuehle:start|Kuckucksmühle]] in the North East Germany
 +  * [[finca_verde:start|Finca Verde]] in Southern Spain
   * <del>[[veintidos:start|Veintidós]] in Southern Spain</del> - No longer in existence   * <del>[[veintidos:start|Veintidós]] in Southern Spain</del> - No longer in existence
 ===== Online projects ===== ===== Online projects =====
-  * [[projects:ehf_labs|EHF Labs]]+  * <del>[[projects:ehf_labs|EHF Labs]]</del> - discontinued
   * [[powerplant:start|powerplant]]   * [[powerplant:start|powerplant]]
   * [[projects:offsetting_co2_emissions]]   * [[projects:offsetting_co2_emissions]]
   * [[projects:wiki_translations|Wiki Translations]]   * [[projects:wiki_translations|Wiki Translations]]
 +  * [[projects:freeCodeCamp_alpujarra|freeCodeCamp Alpujarra]]
 +===== Collaboration projects =====
 +  * [[collaboration:osg|Open Source Gardens]]
 +  * [[collaboration:permaculturecolabdc|Permaculture CoLab Digital Circle]]
 +  * [[collaboration:permaculturecolabnextsteps|Permaculture CoLab Next Steps Project]]
 +  * [[collaboration:permaculturecolabfundingcircle|Permaculture CoLab Funding Circle]]
 +  * [[collaboration:permaculturecolabdigitalcircle-permacultureforeveryoneapp|Permaculture CoLab Digital Circle project: Permaculture Education App for Refugees]]
 +  * [[collaboration:wheaton_labs_bootcamp|Wheaton-labs Permaculture Bootcamp]]
 +===== Are you interested in starting a new ecovillage or intentional community? =====
 +Explore our [[research:create_community|create community bank of resources]] or [[https://cal.com/aimeefenech/meeting|book a time to talk about this with one of our members]]. 
 ====== Why should I or my project join forces with Eco Hacker Farm? ====== ====== Why should I or my project join forces with Eco Hacker Farm? ======
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 You can participate in the project by attending the [[team_meetings|Monthly Meetings]], learn about the project, sharing your ideas and opinions, let people know what skills you would like to share or learn from others, possible events or workshops you’d like to organize or attend etc.  You can participate in the project by attending the [[team_meetings|Monthly Meetings]], learn about the project, sharing your ideas and opinions, let people know what skills you would like to share or learn from others, possible events or workshops you’d like to organize or attend etc. 
-==== Project Management System ==== 
-We have also set up a [[Project Management System|Project Management System]] which enables anyone to become a [[membership|team member]], learn how the project is organised, what tasks are outstanding, log new tasks or add time spent working on the project and much more. 
 ==== Social media and other 3rd party collaborations ==== ==== Social media and other 3rd party collaborations ====
  • start.1578693146.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/01/10 22:52
  • by aimeejulia