Ausbau 7
16909 Heiligengrabe
Nearest Train Station is Liebenthal(OPR) (7km) sometimes written as Liebenthal(Prignitz) - For that Train you have to push the “Stop(p)” button, otherwise it may not stop.
For late arrivals (till 22:00) Wittstock(Dosse) is also not that far (10km) and on the same route as Liebenthal(OPR).
In some rare/awkward cases Blumenthal(Mark) is also possible, it's on a different route and only drives a few times a day (7km).
You can plan your train ride with this website.
Leave the Highway (A24) on exit 21. If you come from Berlin, turn left after exit or if you come from Hamburg/Rostock, turn right after the exit and drive to the village Herzsprung. Turn left on L14 to 'Kyritz' and right after the end of the village (still Herzsprung) to Koenigsberg/Blumenthal/Grabow. In Grabow take the second right (Middle of the village/Oaktree) then turn left at the end to leave the village. Follow the road for about 4 Kilometers (be aware of the speed limit 50! and 30!; animals and children may cross the street and other cars can appear after each curve) and when the road turns into cobblestone you are in front of the mill.
Next to it you see a lot of space to park. Don't park in front of the gate. This space is needed for the fire department in case of a fire hazard.
To arrive on your own, use the OSM Bicycle map. Navigation systems help you to reach Grabow or Blandikow, but they often do not know about the road to follow. Please look at the map before you leave, it is possible that you cannot load it due to bad mobile reception.
Also interesting to read: Conditions for a visit at Kuckucksmuehle
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id | symbol | latitude | longitude | description |
1 | 53.10347º | 12.40463º |