Table of Contents

Client setup


Make sure there's avahi daemon running.

  ps aux | grep avahi-daemon | grep -v grep || sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon

Snapclient should work out of the box once you've installed the right package from (or a newer release). Pick the one with the right type (ie. a client as opposed to a server) with the right architecture (amd64 for a standard laptop or PC) and the right extension (.deb).

In GUI, download it and then double click it.

From command line something similar to this:

  cd && wget
  /snapclient_0.10.0_amd64.deb &&

sudo dpkg -i snapclient_0.10.0_amd64.deb

Raspberry Pi Raspbian

If you are at the point of installing the Raspbian, there are two main ways to go. You can put on the SD card:

The former is much easier, as the audio will be installed and configured. With the latter no audio will be installed by default.

Manual installer

You can get one at

Once the Pi is up and running, follow the instructions for Ubuntu above, but pick a package for armhf architecture.


That's the one:

There are similar ones elsewhere, but they may differ.

The following instructions may be incomplete or not exactly right. There may be quite a bit of troubleshooting involved.

1. Make sure the soundcard kernel module is loaded

  sudo modprobe snd-bcm2835

2. Install Alsa mixer and base

  sudo apt-get install alsa-utils alsa-base

The aim now is to have Alsa detect the soundcard. It is ok if there is a soundcard description produced by this command:

  sudo amixer

If there's no, it's a time for more advanced troubleshooting. Check if Linux can see any cards at /proc/asound and good luck with the rest. As a tip, good or bad, you can try to install Alsa player and its daemon with

  sudo apt-get install alsaplayer-common alsaplayer-daemon

3. Configure the mixer to use the 3.5 jack (as opposed to HDMI)

  amixer cset numid=3 1

4. Follow the instructions for RPi Manual installer above.