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Eco Hacker Farm Membership Definition Meeting

Date 11th October 2018 20:00 - 21:15

Abbreviation used in this document: EHF, PMS


Aimee, Franz, Martin, Erin…


Membership data - where do we store people’s data?

This meeting is a follow up to the discussion we had at the beginning of the year about membership and membership information. This would include a record of members and their membership fee payments. When it was paid last and when it is due next so the question is:

What info do we need to have and where should we store it…

Info needed:

For under 18/under legal age users we would need parental consent the membership definition page would have to be amended.

Action point: add under legal age blurb in the wiki page - Aimee

Storing of membership data:

It should be stored somewhere where I can easily access so that we can keep up with the payment reminders each month… AES-256 encrypted, stored on the ecohackerfarm server. (backup happens daily, not controlled by google etc. [directly])

Action point: Setup the form so that people can start using it

Action point: Update the wiki with the link to the form

Action point: Write a wiki page on the membership page about how we store people’s data.

Action points: transpose agreed points to the wiki

Target completion date - 1st week of December

Questions / suggestions / ideas from attendees

Action Items should be added under each point

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