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Wiki Translations - A Guide

One way to keep our project as accessible as possible is to have our wiki information available in different languages.

Anyone can help translating our wiki pages.

Where do I start?

Determine whether there are any translation tasks that you would like to do by checking the open tickets

Very important: The main pages are in English - the translations should ALWAYS be from English to a secondary language.

There are 3 types of tickets:

Step 2

  1. Register on the wiki - this will give you editing rights to this wiki
  2. Register on the Project Management System - if you need help with this read this
  3. Send an email to Aimee / Project Manager to be added to the Translation Project
  4. You will receive an email back with confirmation that you have been added as a team member (translator), if you want to help with the coordination of translations ask the project manager for a crash course on this and you'll be added as manager on this project.

Step 3

  1. Open the ticket / issue you would like to work on
  2. Click on edit and add your name near the pages you will be working on, please only mark 2 at a time so that we don't have a bottle neck if there are other people also wanting to help. V. Important - Submit / Save the issue before you start translating this will ensure that we don't all work on the same pages and waste important time.

Start translating

  1. Now you have one or more pages that you are working on, open the first page you want to work on.
  2. Near the search bar top right there is a Flag icon.
  3. Click on it to find the language you want to work on.
    1. For a Translate task, a new page will load stating that the page you are trying to access does don't exist - this is normal and expected. When you click on create page it will automatically draw in the English version to help you with the translation. When you have finished translating delete the Fix me please notification from the top of the page and make sure you click save before leaving the page.
    2. For an Update task, the translated page will load and you will need to open the English version on a separate tab in order to compare the two version. V. imp remember: You are translating from English to a secondary language
    3. For a Checking task, the translated page will load and you will need to open the English version on a separate tab in order to compare the two version. V. imp remember: You are checking from English to a secondary language

After translating

If you have made it up to here, thank you so much for your time and effort! Only a couple more steps and you are done!

  1. Open the ticket / issue you have been working on
  2. Click on edit and mark the pages you have completed
  3. If you would like to continue translating you can mark the next 2 pages you would like to do.
  4. V. Important - Submit / Save the issue before you leave the page.

Again, thank you very much for your time.

I have questions!

Great! Please send the project manager an email.

We will keep improving this page as we go along.


I have accidentally edited / deleted / ruined an existing page, how do I revert back the changes?

No problem, go on the page where you need to revert back the changes, click on the little clock icon under edit page this will open the Old Revisions page for that particular page, pick a version and retrieve the lost parts that you need into the current version (good old copy & paste).