{{:veintidos:14188274_947724575355333_411644924138724705_o.jpg?nolink|}} ====== Open day @Veintidós ====== Veintidós open it's door for anyone who would like to come visit and learn more about the project. Come & visit the project, bring seeds or plants to swap, learn more about [[:companion_planting]], [[..:composting]] and [[..:mulching]]. Help out in the garden and find out how you can [[https://wiki.ecohackerfarm.org/veintidos:start#would_you_like_to_work_for_accommodation_and_food|volunteer]] online and onsite. If you'd like to stay over night fill in the form here: https://goo.gl/forms/b8WiO0lk0wtOrgPh1 [[https://www.facebook.com/events/1251702964872044/|Facebook event link]] _________________ Read about the event [[http://blog.ecohackerfarm.org/what-a-day/|here]]