====== Outreach ======
===== Eco Hacker Farm on different Platforms: =====
==== Eco Hacker Farm: ====
* [[https://www.facebook.com/EcoHackerFarm/|Facebook]] - no longer maintained
* [[https://twitter.com/EcoHackerFarm|Twitter]] - no longer maintained
* [[https://plus.google.com/b/117162880169893145729/117162880169893145729|Google+]] - no longer maintained
* [[https://github.com/Ecohackerfarm|Github]]
* [[https://gitlab.com/ecohackerfarm/|Gitlab]]
* [[https://blog.ecohackerfarm.org/|Blog]]
* [[https://mastodon.social/web/accounts/775985|Mastodon]]
* [[https://instagram.com/ecohackerfarm/ |Instagram]]
* [[https://www.reddit.com/r/ecohackerfarm/|Reddit]]
* #ecohackerfarm on freenode IRC
=== Mailing list ===
* [[mailto:community-subscribe@ecohackerfarm.org|For events and general updates]]
==== powerplant ====
* [[http://powerplant.ecohackerfarm.org/|powerplant]]
* [[https://github.com/Ecohackerfarm/powerplant|Github]]
* [[https://work.ecohackerfarm.org/projects/companion-plant-planner/issues|work.ecohackerfarm.org]]
* #powerplant on freenode IRC
* [[https://marvelapp.com/94c4bh4|Rapid prototype]]
=== Mailing List ===
* [[mailto:powerplant-subscribe@ecohackerfarm.org|development updates and news]]
==== Kuckucksmühle: ====
* [[https://www.facebook.com/DieKuckucksmuehle/|Facebook]] - no longer maintained
* [[https://www.workaway.info/631884989682-en.html|Workaway.info]]
* [[https://hippohelp.com/host/kuckucksmuehle|hippohelp.com]]
* [[https://www.helpx.net/host/1774404TL|helpx.net]]
* [[https://www.hovos.com/H=5940|hovos.com]]
* [[https://www.meetup.com/meetup-group-SPhdEmix/|meetup.com]] - account deleted
* [[https://mundraub.org/node/81740|mundraub.org]]
* [[https://numundo.org/center/germany/kuckucksmuhle|numundo.org]]
* [[https://permakultur-info.de/|permakultur-info.de]]
* [[https://map.preciousplastic.com/|preciousplastic.com]]
* [[http://www.thepoosh.org/buildproject/aimee-fenech/kuckucksmuehle|thepoosh.org]]
* [[https://wachstumswende.de/project/kuckucksmuehle/|wachstumswende.de]]
* [[https://www.warmshowers.org/user/188252|warmshowers.org]]
* [[https://www.worldpackers.com/locations/kuckucksmuehle-16th-century-watermill-hackerspace-eco-community/|worldpackers.com]]
=== Mailing list ===
* [[mailto:kum_together-subscribe@ecohackerfarm.org|For events and general updates]]
=== Customers of: ===
^ Type of Product / Service ^ Professional / Business name ^ URL / contact ^
| Organic seeds | Keimzelle Öko-Saatgut aus Brandenburg | [[http://www.keimzellevichel.culturebase.org/|website]] |
| | | [[https://www.demeter.de/users/10464|demeter link]] |
| | Bingenheimer Saatgut | [[https://www.bingenheimersaatgut.de/]] |
| Veterinary | Patricia Lehmann-Eschenhorn | +49 3394433672 |
==== Finca Verde ====
* [[https://www.facebook.com/fincaverderegen|Facebook]]
* [[https://www.workaway.info/en/host/653196577677|Workaway.info]]
* [[https://www.instagram.com/fincaverde_regenag/| Instagram]]
=== Connecting with regional projects ===
^ Name of the Project ^ Connection status ^ Notes ^
| [[https://www.casitaverde.com/|Casita Verde Granada]] | Wish to connect | Email sent 02/07/2022 |
| [[https://variedadlocalalpujarra.wordpress.com/|Variedad Local Alpujarra]] | Wish to connect | |
| | | |
=== Network memberships ===
* [[https://perma.earth/|International Permaculture CoLab]]
* [[https://www.climatefarmers.org/|Climate Farmers]]
* [[https://permaculture-network.eu/projects-and-places/finca-verde|European Permaculture Network]]
* [[https://gen-europe.org/ecovillages/european-ecovillages/|Gen Europe]]
* Looking into: [[https://www.permaculturaibera.org/quien-somos/centros-demostrativos-de-permacultura/|Permaculture Ibera]]
* [[https://ekonavi.com/produtores/finca-verde-regen-agri-food-permaculture-project|Ekonavi]]
==== Veintidos: ====
* [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/veintidos22/|Facebook]] - no longer maintained
* [[https://twitter.com/22_veintidos|Twitter]] - no longer maintained
===== Cooperation =====
==== Working together with ====
//The list is in alphabetical order.//
^ Type of Project ^ Name of the project ^ URL / contact ^
| Hackerspace | Abteilung-für-Redundanz-Abteilung (AfRA) | [[https://afra-berlin.de/dokuwiki/doku.php|afra-berlin.de]] |
| Co-living project | Astralship | astralship.org |
| Community Space | Baumhaus | [[http://www.baumhausberlin.de/en/|baumhausberlin.de]] |
| Movement | Deep Adaptation | [[https://deepadaptation.ning.com/|deepadaptatio.ning.com]] |
| Software | Farmos | farmos.org |
| Co-living project | Kanthaus | [[https://kanthaus.online/en|kanthaus.online]] |
| Software | openfarm | [[http://www.openfarm.cc|openfarm.cc]] |
| Membership Organic & Regional Shop | RioLaden eV | [[https://rioladen-wittstock.de/|rioladen-wittstock.de]] |
==== Worked with (projects discontinued) ====
//The list is in alphabetical order.//
^ Type of Project ^ Name of the project ^ URL ^
| Organic shop/ cooperative | Kramer und Kutscher | [[http://www.kramerundkutscher.de/|kramerundkutscher.de]] |
==== In contact with ====
//The list is in alphabetical order.//
^ Name of Project ^ Type of project ^ URL ^
| Akademie Suffienz | Co-living project - Germany | [[https://www.akademie-suffizienz.de|akademie-suffizienz.de]] |
| Boodaville Permaculture Education Project | Co-living project - Spain | [[https://boodaville.wordpress.com|boodaville.wordpress.com]] |
| Coolmuehle eV | Co-living project - Germany | [[http://www.coolmuehle.org|coolmuehle.org]] |
| Cyberhippietotalism | Infrastructure project - Lanzarote | [[https://totalism.org|totalism.org]] |
| ecobasa | Networking site | [[https://ecobasa.org/|ecobasa.org]] |
| foodsharing | Grassroots community | [[https://foodsharing.de/|foodsharing.de]] |
| Gregory Fung | Psychosomatic coaching & touch for integrated sexualityintegrated | [[https://www.pelvicheart.de|pelvicheart.de]] |
| Hackerfarm | Co-living project - Japan | [[https://hackerfarm.jp/|hackerfarm.jp]] |
| Open Source Diversity | Online community | [[https://opensourcediversity.org/|opensourcediversity.org]] |
| ResetSociety | Co-living project - Spain | [[http://www.resetsociety.com/|resetsociety.com]] |
| Solarpunk Berlin | Group of people - Germany | [[https://twitter.com/solarpunks_bln]] |
| Traumschule | Co-living project - Germany | [[http://ts.blogsport.de/|Traumschule]] |
| tRaumstation im RAW Stoff & Gerätelager | Culture project - Germany | [[http://www.traumstation.net/|traumstation.net]] |
| Ukerdis: Ducks, Electronics and Everything in Between | Small holding - Estonia | [[https://ukerdis.eu/|Ukerdis]] |
| Ulrike & Niels | Small ecoproject - Germany | [[https://www.workaway.info/328768486155-en.html|Zempow Work away]] |
| Wir bauen Zukunft | Community space - Germany | [[https://wirbauenzukunft.de/|wirbauenzukunft.de]] |
==== Want to connect with ====
Here we make a list of projects that we would like to connect with. Do you know any projects that we should know of? Add them on this list. :)
//The list is in alphabetical order.//
^ Name of the project ^ URL | Comment |
| Eberswalde Hochschule | [[https://www.hnee.de|hnee.de]] |
| EUPN - European Permaculture Network | [[https://permaculture-network.eu/|permaculture-network.eu]] | |
| foodsaving worldwide | [[https://foodsaving.world/|foodsaving.world]] | |
| Green Me Berlin | [[http://www.greenmeberlin.com/|greenmeberlin.com]] | |
| Hacc | https://hacc.uberpsace.de | |
| Kitspace.org | [[https://kitspace.org/|kitspace.org]] | |
| Kreative Landwirtschaft | [[https://kreative-landwirtschaft.de/wordpress/kontakt/|kreative-landwirtschaft.de]] | contact by Leo - for powerplant knowledge relating permaculture agroforest solution |
| Learning from the bees Berlin | [[https://www.learningfromthebeesberlin.com|learningfromthebeesberlin.com]] | |
| Libre Solar | [[https://libre.solar| libre solar]] | Martin |
| Mikrobiomik.org | https://mikrobiomik.org | soil test open hardware tools and similar |
| Miethaus Syndikat | [[https://www.syndikat.org/en/|syndikat.org]] | |
| Open Food Network | [[https://openfoodnetwork.org/|openfoodnetwork.org]] | |
| Open State | [[https://www.openstate.cc/|openstate.cc]] | |
| Open Source Hardware Association | [[https://www.oshwa.org/|oshwa.org]] | |
| Permaculture Women's Guild | [[https://www.permaculturewomen.com/|permaculturewomen.com]] | |
| Pursuance project | [[https://pursuanceproject.org/|pursuanceproject.org]] | |
| Right to repair | [[https://repair.eu/|repair.eu]] | |
| Spektrum Berlin | [[https://spektrumberlin.de/|spektrumberlin.de]] | |
| Stechlin Institute | [[http://www.stechlin-institut.org/|stechlin-institut.org]] | |
| Sumoga | | Martin contact through Aimee by email |
| Tyddyn Teg | [[http://tyddynteg.com/|tyddynteg.com]] | |
| | | |
==== Events we want / would like to attend do: ====
^ Event name ^ nature of the event ^
| [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_Communication_Camp|Chaos Communication Camp]] | an international meeting of hackers that takes place every four years, organized by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC). |
| [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_Communication_Congress|Chaos Communication Congress]] | an annual conference organized by the Chaos Computer Club. The congress features a variety of lectures and workshops on technical and political issues related to security, cryptography, privacy and online freedom of speech. |
| [[http://www.emergentberlinfest.de/|Emergent Berlin]] | crowd-sourced and self organized annual gathering of a broad mix of people & projects in Berlin who are working to make the world a better by making the it a more sustainable place |
| [[https://fosdem.org/|FOSDEM]] | a two-day event organised by volunteers to promote the widespread use of free and open source software |
| [[https://maintainerati.org/|Maintainerati]] | an unconference for open source software maintainers |
| [[https://metanook.de/|MetaNook]] | Night of Open Knowledge in Lübeck University |
| [[https://opentechsummit.net/|OpenTech Summit - Berlin]] | a conference for the open technology community |
==== Are you part of a coliving project that mixes permaculture with a hackerspace / hackbase? ====
**Great!** - We participate in a meeting for similar projects once every 2 months, to join in you can subscribe to [[housingprojects-subscribe@ecohackerfarm.org|housingprojects-subscribe[at]ecohackerfarm.org]]
Here we discuss common issues and opportunities to help each other overcome them.
===== Media Appearances =====
[[http://www.sueddeutsche.de/kultur/stadtflucht-der-nerds-die-gute-landluft-1.3828529|Süddeutsche Zeitung]] - January 2018
[[http://www.viaggiareconlentezza.com/2018/07/27/hacker-farm-permacultura-comunita/|Viaggare con Lentezza]] - July 2018
[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqAPdfHybtU&feature=youtu.be|Metanook 2018]] - November 2018
[[https://www.hastuzeit.de/praktischer-klimaschutz-beim-36c3/|hastuzeit]] - December 2019
[[https://www.bild.de/regional/leipzig/leipzig-news/chaos-communication-congress-koennen-17000-hackerstrom-sparen-66955360.bild.html|bild.de]] - December 2019
===== Public presentations =====
* [[events:emergentberlin2019|Emergent Berlin 2019]]
* [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YNjH3wGv-VS6vaPPytw04WWBuYn_30K7q5n1m_ogiAk/edit?usp=sharing|35c3]]
* [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1P-0uckx9esq_OeuqyspuOgHghaRI7oXpyQQUnH9zmik/edit?usp=sharing|MetaNook 2018]]
* [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12MAdigHdPpYtagbNRwhKwwKobohh1T8moLeSTShp0HM/edit?usp=sharing|Emergent Berlin 2018]]
* [[https://wiki.ecohackerfarm.org/_media/ehf_34c3_presentation.pdf|34c3]]