====== A List of all Eco Hacker Farm Locations ====== * [[finca_verde:|Finca Verde]] * [[kuckucksmuehle:start|Kuckucksmühle]] * [[veintidos:start|Veintidós]] - No longer running 36.888611, -3.482513,0, .8 marker-green.png,[[finca_verde:start|Finca Verde]] 53.10347,12.40463,0,.8,marker-green.png,[[kuckucksmuehle:start|Kuckucksmühle]] 36.594803, -4.641334,0,.8,marker-gold.png, [[veintidos:start|Veintidos]] Green Marker: established location Yellow marker: moving/changing location/searching for a new location Would you like to start your own Eco Hacker Farm location? [[ideals|Or have an existing project who you think would be a good fit?]] Great! [[life@acohackerfarm.org|We would love to hear from you!]]