====== Aimee @ the Young Coders Summer Camp ====== Lifelong student, occasional nomad, eternal dreamer and writer, permaculture enthusiast, an escaped financial services professional aspiring to a long, healthy and happy life. Now learning how to code and passing on the knowledge to others. I am happy to run some of the workshops at the [[kuckucksmuehle:events:young_coders_camp|Young Coders Summer Camp]] ===== Covered in 2018 ===== ==== Day 1 ==== * [[kuckucksmuehle:events:julius]] arrives at the [[kuckucksmuehle:start|Kuckucksmühle]] * dog training to get friendly with [[kuckucksmuehle:documentation:dogs|Podha]] * introduction to [[https://www.freecodecamp.org/|freecodeCamp]] ==== Day 2 ==== * introduction to the [[https://wiki.ecohackerfarm.org/project_management_system|PMS]] * [[https://www.freecodecamp.org/|freecodeCamp]] ==== Day 4 ==== * introduction to [[https://codepen.io/|Codepen]] * [[https://www.freecodecamp.org/|freecodeCamp]] * [[kuckucksmuehle:events:ruben|Ruben]] & [[kuckucksmuehle:events:bela|Bela]] ==== Day 5 ==== * introduction to [[https://www.freecodecamp.org/|freecodeCamp]] * app vision game ==== Day 6 ==== * wiki markup intro * video making of calliope {{youtube>PmR158JGifE?medium}} {{youtube>bELtX0ceh_k?medium}} {{youtube>/eQvjeVcip9Y?medium}} ==== Day 7 ==== * introduction to prototyping on [[https://marvelapp.com/|Marvelapp]] ==== Day 8 ==== * Python coding challenge - [[https://www.kidscodecs.com/turtle-stamps/|Python with Turtles]] ==== Day 11 ==== * Intro to [[https://inventwithscratch.com/|Invent with Scratch]] - free learning resources * Intro to [[http://inventwithpython.com/|Invent with Python]] - free learning resources * Scratch coding challenges: * [[https://inventwithscratch.com/mazegame/|Maze game]] * Python coding challenges: * reverse a string * check if a string is a palindrome ==== Non-coding activities ==== * Night walk in the forest * Baking bread * Baking cookies * Taking care of the animals (Ducks, Chickens, Rabbits, Cats and Dogs) * Chill-out time in the hammocks * Monkey Island group play * Unstable unicorn group play * Trip to the swimming pool ===== Covered in 2019 ===== ==== Day 1 ==== * Preparing the room with [[kuckucksmuehle:events:bela|Bela]] & [[kuckucksmuehle:events:ruben|Ruben]] * Looked at the equipment for the [[research:automated_irrigation_system|automated irrigation system]] ==== Day 2 ==== * Critical Thinking Workshop * Critical Thinking in Action: [[projects:inclusive_decision_making_process|Inclusive Decision Making Process]] ==== Day 3 ==== * [[https://gitlab.com/ecohackerfarm/youngcodersummercamp|Gitlab]] workshop - pulling / pushing code * Open License Discussion ==== Day 4 ==== * Documentation of the event ==== Day 5 ==== * [[http://fritzing.org/|Fritzing]] workshop ==== Day 6 ==== * [[https://gitlab.com/ecohackerfarm/youngcodersummercamp|Final prototyping session for the Automated Irrigation System]] ==== Non-coding activities ==== * Relaxing near the swing * Bread Baking workshop * Pancake making workshop * Walk to see the harvester in action * [[https://www.looneylabs.com/games/pirate-fluxx|Pirate Fluxx]] in the field * Pasta with vegetables - making dinner together * [[https://www.maz-online.de/Lokales/Ostprignitz-Ruppin/Wittstock-Dosse/Internationales-Fruehstueck-in-Wittstock|International Breakfast in Wittstock]] * [[https://holycowvegan.net/vegan-double-chocolate-hazelnut-cookies/|Cookie Baking]] * Night walk in the forest