This is a list of our infrastructure we use, host or have. ====== Only used by us ====== ===== Jabber Conference room ===== ^Room ^Server ^Link ^ |ecohackerfarm | | | ====== Administrated by us ====== ===== Redmine ===== Our Redmine also known as the [[project_management_system|Project Management System (PMS)]] is for coordinating work and logging time. [[|]] ===== Wiki ===== This is our Dokuwiki which is for public documentation, protocols, how-tos and similar. This maybe used later also for private use of description of how to use tools and materials in the local projects. [[]] **Don't mix it up with the wiki of our PMS.** ===== Mumble ===== Our mumble is for safely communicating with each other by using our voice (!). ^Server ^Port ^Link ^ | | 63656 | [[mumble://]]| You can install it on smart phones and computers: [[|How to get mumble installed?]] ===== Croodle ===== Croodle should be used for choosing appointments or dates for events anonymously. (In almost opposite of Doodle.) [[]]