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Different herbs and leaves we have at Kuckucksmühle:

Celery leaves - Apio

Celery leaves are scientifically known to contain many health benefits and nutritional value because it contains amino acids, boron, calcium, chlorine, essential fatty acids, folate, inositol, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sulfur, zinc.

They stimulate urine production to help rid the body of excess fluid. It is recommended for stimulating all sorts of toxin accumulations in primary bodily organs, promoting proper functioning due to the cleansing effect. Once bodily fluids are stabilized, the kidneys will function better and inflammation caused by fluid retention will be reduced.

Daily consumption of this tea helps the production of saliva and gastric juices, as well as active bowel movements for easy removal and reduction of colic and gas. This makes celery a natural laxative that helps to relieve constipation. It also helps relax nerves that have been overworked by man-made laxatives. It supports digestive processes to improve nutrient absorption and prevent problems like gas, inflammation, and other symptoms affecting this system. It has antibacterial and antiviral effects that fight different types of gastrointestinal infections for improving digestive health.

Because of its water and fiber content, celery is classified as a powerfully capable of satiating. This can put an end to the anxiety of consuming more calories than necessary. It is recommended to consume tea on an empty stomach and before lunch.

It’s great for people who suffer from high cholesterol or triglycerides. Its properties help stabilize levels, reducing cardiovascular risks.

Regular celery tea consumption helps regulate the body’s metabolic processes, which are largely dependent on the body’s ability to remove excess fats.

Celery contains a chemical compound called phtalides helps relax the muscles around the arteries, dilating the vessels and allowing blood to flow smoothly. Pthalides also reduce stress hormones, one of whose effects is to cause blood vessels to constrict that can reduce levels of stress hormones in your blood. This allows the blood vessels to expand, giving your blood more space, thus reducing the pressure.

The minerals and essential oils in celery juice have a calming effect on the nervous system, making it beneficial for insomniacs. Its high magnesium levels help people to relax into a soothing and restful sleep.

Celery juice is good and beneficial for weak sexuality, but doesn’t cause you an uncontrollable urge as in the case of pharmaceutical drugs. The leaves balances the system and doesn’t increase it.

The polyacetylene in celery is an amazing relief for all inflammation including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, asthma and bronchitis.

In addition to everything already mentioned, we should also point out that eating celery provides important nutrients for skin, hair, and vision.


As a supplement to weight-loss diets: (1 liter) The traditional recipe uses only water and celery, but we add a bit of lemon juice to intensify the detoxifying effects.


Rose Hips - Escaramujos

Benefits of Rosehip Tea

You should consider drinking rosehip tea if you suffer from a weak immune system, skin conditions, chronic pain, indigestion, high toxicity levels, arthritis, gout, inflammatory conditions, high cholesterol, and hypertension, or if you are at an increased risk of heart disease or cancer.

Fresh rose hip contains a lot of vitamin C, yet much of the vitamin C in rose hip is destroyed during drying and processing and declines rapidly during storage.

Web MD Organic Facts

Lovage - Apio del Monte

Lovage may be the only member of the Levisticum genus, but this leafy perennial plant is extremely valuable in cultures around the world. Depending on the intended use, various parts of lovage can be used in salads, soups and broths, as a spice, or even as a flavoring ingredient in beverages and alcohol. The high concentration of coumarins, limonene, camphor, and eugenols contribute to the impressive health benefits associated with this herb.

Many of the health benefits of lovage relate to its anti-inflammatory and soothing nature, and the same is true for soothing the effects of allergens. Furthermore, it contains significant amounts of quercetin, which is a natural inhibitor of histamines. This will reduce the allergic response of your body, eliminating itchy eyes, runny noses, and other more serious allergic reactions.

The soothing properties of lovage also extend to the skin. When the leaves are applied directly to the skin, or a salve is made, it can be very effective for reducing the symptoms of psoriasis and acne, leading to smoother, better-looking skin. The antioxidants found in it can also help to prevent wrinkles in some cases and increase blood flow to the surface of the skin, improving tone and appearance.

If you are suffering from a respiratory ailment, lovage can act as an expectorant to clear out excess phlegm and mucus in your tracts. Furthermore, eucalyptol, one of the primary soothing agents found in it, can reduce irritation and inflammation in the lungs, promoting more rapid healing.

Studies have shown that lovage has a significant effect on various microbes and foreign agents that can cause illness within the body. Although research is still ongoing, studies have found positive associations between lovage intake and a reduction in E. coli, Salmonella, and other dangerous infections.

The anti-inflammatory nature of lovage makes it ideal for soothing upset stomachs and returning your gastrointestinal system to a neutral state. It can help to reduce bloating and excess gas by reducing irritation in your bowels and promoting healthy, normal movement in your colon.

When taken at the beginning of a menstrual period, lovage can act to soothe many of the most severe side effects of menstruation, including cramps and bloating. There is also high nutrient density that makes it effective in keeping your energy and mood high during that more stressful part of the month.

The natural anti-inflammatory nature of lovage makes it the perfect remedy for those suffering from conditions like gout, arthritis, and hemorrhoids. If you suffer from painful inflammation anywhere in your body, consume some lovage leaves or add this herb to your next dish – you might be surprised at the relief!

Although the exact mechanism isn’t completely understood, lovage has been linked to improving kidney health. It acts as a strange type of diuretic, known as an aquaretic, which stimulates urination, but doesn’t lead to a loss of electrolytes. This is a much healthier form of urination if you are trying to detoxify your body without risk of dehydration, thereby boosting the health of your kidneys.

There is only one consistent report of negative reactions from lovage, and it is a rather strange one. Some people have reported increased photosensitivity after regularly consuming lovage. For that reason, we would only recommend consuming a moderate amount if it becomes a regular part of your herbal regimen. The use of lovage by pregnant women and those with kidney problems is not recommended.

Organic Facts Tea Pursuit

Nettles - Ortiga

Tea Pursuit

Lemon Verbena - Cedrón

Lemon Verbena tea has been in the consciousness of many traditional herbal practitioners as being potent for disorders in the nervous and digestive systems. Lemon verbena is grown for medicinal, commercial and culinary purposes. It is widely used as an herbal flavoring to replace oregano, particularly in fish and poultry dishes.

This tea’s possible health benefits are the following:

Hops - Lúpulos

Hops is a plant rich in nutrients, making each cup you drink a healthy and nutritious beverage.


Calming Tea Hops tea is best known for its positive effects of the nerves. A cup of this tea is said to calm nerves and reduce anxiety feelings. It is said to strengthen and tone the nervous system, helping to bring relief from nervous non-psychiatric disorders, such as hysteria. It has also been used to promote restful sleep, calming the mind and thus fighting insomnia. Hops herbal tea should be helpful for those who tend to wake several times during the night and are light sleepers.

Tip: take a cup of this tea at night and then prepare a comfortable bed in a room that is neither too hot nor too cold and then avoid watching TV or any device and just let yourself relax. Some people even put pouches with hops under their pillow to induce sleep. Give it a try!

This calming tea may also help to soothe pain, reducing muscle spasms and painful cramps. Its sedative properties help to treat headaches and migraines relieving tension in the brain and nervous system.

It is said to help reduce sexual excitation, calming and balancing excessive sexual drive and reducing libido. Hops herbal tea may also help to inhibit cravings, helping smokers to remain calm while quitting their habit.

Digestive Aid

Taking hops tea may help improve your digestion. Its bitter properties help stimulate stomach juices and boost your metabolic rate. This could help you when you suffer from indigestion or heartburn. Its calming features also soothe digestive problems due to nerves and stress.

Hops tea may even help improve your appetite, relieving burping, soothing peptic ulcers and helping your stomach to remain calm as you enjoy your meals.

This herbal tea may also treat intestinal issues such as constipation, Crohn's disease and irritable bowl syndrome, calming spasmodic action in the colon. It may get rid of the harmful elements and parasites that could be causing flatulence or even diarrhea.

Infection Fighter and Detox Tea

Hops tea may prove to be a great tea when you are suffering from a bladder infection. It is said to help relieve the pain caused by this infection. It may help fight the infection in the sense that it is said to help eliminate toxins in the body and get rid of harmful bacteria.

You may take this tea as a detoxifying agent, helping the body to eliminate wasteful elements, clearing away causes of inflammation. It is said to cleanse the blood, lowering levels of sugar in the blood, and it may also act as a diuretic reducing fluid retention.

Its bacterial action may also be useful when you need to soothe a sore throat or treat other chest problems. Its antioxidant properties may help boost your immune system, preventing these diseases from occurring as well as possibly fighting the onset of tumors.

Female Tonic Tea

Hops tea is ideal for women who are going through menopause. This female tonic may help calm nerves and mind, while at the same time relieving symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and insomnia. This herbal infusion contains the natural estrogens you may need at this time.

The presence of estrogens in this herbal infusion may also prove to be helpful for when who suffer from constant menstrual problems. If your checkup has not revealed any serious problems, then ask your doctor about drinking this tea to help soothe PMS and bring balance to your hormones.

External Use

Applied topically, hops tea may be good for your skin, keeping it healthy and clean. It may be used for its antiseptic action to clear and heal sores, wounds and other skin injuries.

Soak a towel in warm hops tea and apply to the inflammed area for a calming and healing action that could even help relieve pain associated with arthritis.

After a long day, soak your feet in a foot bath infused with hops to clear away any possible harmful agents while helping to rest our tired feet and improving the skin.

Side Effects of Hops Tea When drinking hops tea there are a few things you should be aware of:

As this is a calming tea, taking hops during the day may cause some drowsiness, particularly for those who are very tired and unaccustomed to calming teas.

If you are sensitive to polen, you may experience skin sensitivity in the form of an allergic rash when handling the dried hops flowers. When applying topically make sure to apply on a small area of skin to test for any possible reactions.

Hops tea may enhance the effects of some medications, particularly birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy. If you are taking any prescription medication you should always check first with your doctor before drinking any tea medicinally.

Prolonged use is not adviseable. While stimulating the stomach may help at first, overstimulating the stomach may have the reverse effect and begin to cause stomach pain.

In the same sense, the estrogenic effects of hops tea may, with prolonged consumption, cause irregular menstrual periods in some women.

When to Avoid Hops Tea

If you suffer from depression then speak to your doctor about drinking this tea so that s/he may recommend the proper dosage for your particular situation and medication. Large amounts of this tea are best avoided in this situation.

If you are pregnant then it is best to avoid hops tea altogether, as it causes uterine contractions that stimulate menstruation.

Breastfeeding women should avoid this herbal tea as it is not recommended for children under the age of 2. In fact children over 2 and adults over the age of 65 should stick to weaker forms of this tea.

If you suffer from excessive acidity in the stomach, then it is best not to drink this tea as it may be used to stimulate digestive fluids and make you feel worse.

People taking medication to control sugar levels in the blood should not drink this tea, as it may enhance the effects of the medication and your sugar levels could drop to dangerous levels.

This herbal tea is best not taken by men, as its sedative effect and impact on estrogenic production may prove to cause a drop in male libido. Unless you are searching for a solution to relieve sexual excitability, then you should not drink this tea.

The right tea

Calamus root - Raíz de Cálamo

The effects of calamus root both energize and reduce anxiety thus why it is considered a powerful balancing herb. It has been used for healing, spiritual, and culinary uses.

Common Uses

While Calamus root fights fatigue, it also has a calming effect. Though the two effects would seem to contradict each other, the effect is one of alert relaxation. Users of Calamus root report feeling both emotionally relaxed and ready to face the day.

Calamus root has both laxative and diuretic properties, making it useful for increasing urination and relieving constipation.

A common complaint of hallucinogens is the severity of the side effects. Few hallucinogens are without the side effects of nausea and dizziness. Calamus root has long been used to combat these effects.

Calamus root is often chewed to ease the sore throat and run down feeling associated with the cold or flu.

Methods of Use

Calamus is eaten both for its herbal properties as well as for its flavor. Native americans would commonly cut pieces of the root and chew it for the effect. Calamus root can be bought whole or in pieces, very much like ginger.

The dried root can be used to make a tea that holds the properties of the herb.

Calamus root can be bought as a dried powder or cutted to add to smoking blends. Many people add it to their spiritual and visionary blends. Native Americans also used the herb in combination with tobacco to treat headaches.


Users of Calamus root report:

Smokable Herbs

Mint - Menta

Health Benefits Of Mint Leaves:

Consuming mint leaves are effectively able to prevent and treat:

Recommended dose If it is used as a beverage such as mint leaves Tea: Soak 1 teaspoon dried mint leaves in a cup, boiling water for at least ten minutes and let cool. Drink this two to three times daily between meals.

Dr. Health Benefits

Persimmon - Caqui


The fruit makes a great addition to desserts and baked goods. Persimmon cookies, breads, puddings and ice creams are all popular treats. It can also be added to savory dishes like salads to amp up the flavor.

Organic Facts Draxe

Chamomile - Manzanilla

Organic Facts

Elderberry - Baya de Saúco

Significant levels of vitamin A in elderberry tea make it the ideal booster for vision health. Vitamin A acts as an antioxidant and can help prevent macular degeneration and slow the development of cataracts as you age.

The B-family vitamins are well represented in elderberry tea, most of which can boost the metabolism. By improving metabolic function, it can increase passive fat-burning, which can aid in weight loss efforts, while also optimizing various processes in the body related to hormones and digestion.

Elderberry tea has been linked to laxative and diuretic effects, meaning that it can detoxify the body by expelling excess toxins, salts, and fats through urination. As a laxative, this tea can improve symptoms of constipation, reducing the occurrence of hemorrhoids, and maximize nutrient uptake efficiency.

Soothing the stomach with natural anti-inflammatory compounds, elderberry tea can reduce excess flatulence, indigestion, acid reflux disease, and stomach upset, making it an excellent tea for before or after meals.

Some of the most popular traditional uses of elderberry tea relate to respiratory infections, bronchitis, coughs, and congestion. There appears to be decongestant and expectorant qualities in elderberries volatile compounds, helping to ease inflammation in the respiratory tracts and eliminating mucus and phlegm where bacteria and other pathogens can thrive.

High levels of vitamin C make this herbal tea a potent immune system aid, as it can stimulate the production of white blood cells, and also act as an antioxidant throughout the body. Ascorbic acid can seek out free radicals and lower oxidative stress, which allows your immune system to focus on more pressing attacks and infections.

Studies have found that there are certain analgesic properties to elderberry tea, as well as anti-inflammatory properties that help those recovering from illness, injury or surgery. This tea is particularly popular for those suffering from back pain or joint disorders, and some people drink 2-3 cups per day to relieve pain from morning to night. Elderberry tea can also be used medicinally to treat symptoms of arthritis.

According to the study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, elderberries have shown strong chemopreventive potential. American elderberry extract has also been able to inhibit the promotion of carcinogenesis. With this research, we think it is fair enough to include elderberry tea in your diet. However, do consult with your doctor if you are feeling uneasy.

Organic Facts